Springtime is my favorite time of the year.  The cold days start to warm up, the trees fill out with fresh green leaves, flowers bloom and the days are a little longer filled with the sunshine.  As we spend more time outdoors with the blooming flowers and trees allergies are in full force too. The market is flooded with allergy medications that will make you drugged, drowsy and sick.  What if you could relieve your allergies naturally?  Allergy relief with essential oils!  Is it possible?


Allergy Relief with Essential Oils


Over 40 million Americans suffer from allergies or hay fever.  Itchy, watery, puffy eyes.  Sneezing, dry nose and throat, respiratory conditions, headaches, and sinus pressure. These numbers are growing due to environmental changes and the toxic world we live in and causing inflammation in our body.


Essential oils have been used for many years with success in treating allergies even hospitals are adapting the use of essential oils.  When looking for essential oils, not all are created equal.  Look for therapeutic grade direct from the source and how the oils are produced, distilled to get the most potent oil.   If you want to learn more about doTERRA check out doTERRA on my site https://www.mydoterra.com/abundantlivingmommy/#/

Essential oils to have on hand during allergy season 

  • Roman chamomile
  • Frankincense
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lemon
  • Lavender
  • Breathe
  • Peppermint

Roman Chamomile is an excellent oil for calming and soothing irritated skin or rash. Durning allergy season add a few drops to a moisturizer for puffy, irritated skin. Helps support a healthy immune system and anti-inflammatory. 


Frankincense called the “king of oils” can be used on the temples and back of neck for headache relief.  Works on the cellular level as an anti-inflammatory.  


Eucalyptus Used for respiratory support.  While in the shower use a few drops of oil and allowing the steam to open up airways.  Use a few drops of eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil, apply to chest, neck, and feet. Eucalyptus helps open up airways and nasal passages. Ideal for colds, flu, allergies, asthma and irritated throat.  


Lemon helps clean lymphatic system.  When we have a suppressed immune system or inflammation, our lymphatic system is compromised.  Lemon naturally helps with this system that is taxed.  Diffuse in the air.  Try mixing ten drops in a diffuser to clean the air.  Use on counters and surfaces to disinfect and remove pollen.  Also, try adding a few drops in your water to help support a healthy immune system as well as a natural way to detox your organs.  I enjoy a warm cup of lemon water upon waking in the morning each day Lemon water Health Benefits.  


Lavender potent oil to always have on hand on use lavender-touch-blend-oil in a roller ball.   Simply apply lavender to temples, chest, bottoms of feet or in palms of hand and inhale, works quickly as a Natural antihistamine as well as anti-allergic properties. 


doterra-breathe-vapor-stick helps open airways, nasal passages, soothes a scratchy throat.  Diffuse Breathe oil for night time relief or apply to neck, chest palms of hands to inhale.  Also, has calming effects.


Peppermint acts as an expectorant and opens up airways, throat, and sinuses.  Reduces inflammation and allows your body to relax and open clogged areas, loosening mucus. Use in a diffuser with 5-10 drops.  Or use a carrier oil and apply to bottoms of feet, neck, temples.  Safe to take internally by adding to tea, water or in a capsule.


Oil Blends to Diffuse


The options are endless for diffusing combinations.  During seasonal threats diffusing regularly can help reduce allergens and pollen in the air.  Add 5-10 Drops of each oil to a diffuser. Some of my favorites include:


  • Peppermint, Lavender, Lemon and Melaleuca.
  • Breathe, Douglas Fir and Frankincense. 
  • Wild Orange, Douglas Fir, Frankincense.
  • Cardamon
  • Cinnamon bark, Helichrysum.
  • Thyme and Rosemary to decrease mucus, and circulation.

Cup hands and breath in Breathe and arborvitae-oil.


If you’d like to learn more about essential oils, I’d love to hear from you. abundantlivingmommy@gmail.com














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