Food and shopping  used to be so simple, right? Our grandmothers or great grandmothers would make a list and trot off to the store for ingredients. Or in some cases, they might even walk out to their home garden.  Everyone knew where their food came from.  It was simple.  It came from the farmer so and so down the road, or maybe from the local farmers market.  There wasn’t really a concern of food safety, from an organic perspective.

Fast forward to current times.  We have real concerns about conventional vs organic foods.  What foods should we be concerned about? What foods are safe to purchase conventionally? Next week, I will go more in-depth on both of those topics.  Getting to the bottom of organic vs conventional food choices.  And if there really is a need to be concerned.

Dirty Dozen Clean Fifteen

The environmental working group is a non-profit organization based in Washington that researches products and rates them based on toxicity and harm to humans as well as the environment.  Every year they come out with a new list of the items they recommend to always purchasing organic and which you can purchase conventionally.  It’s called the dirty dozen clean fifteen.  If you haven’t checked out their site you should.  It’s a great resource.

I keep a copy on my phone as a reminder when I’m shopping.

Remember to look next week for organic vs conventional foods.


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