DIY Dry Shampoo

Do you ever have one of those mornings or maybe like me, many mornings in a row that no matter how organized you try to be washing your hair just isn’t in the plan? Those mornings my hair usually goes into a ponytail or a small bun.  I am forever trying to find a good dry shampoo to help on those crazy mornings when we need a little lift and freshness to our dull, limp unwashed hair.

My Little Hair Secret That works
1/2 cup   Rapunzel Organic Corn Starch or Arrowroot
2 Tbsp  Cocoa Powder Unsweetened 
3/4 drops essential oils of choice(lavender or a citrus blend is sweet)www.mydoterra

Homemade dry shampoo in a glass jar, close up

Mix in a small container.  Using a makeup brush start at the roots working in layers from the middle part outwards.  Once you are done dusting mixture use a brush or comb to work through to the ends and out.

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