Is Gluten good or evil? Should your family go gluten free? There is so much buzz right now on gluten vs. gluten free lifestyle.  Does gluten free diet really make a difference?

What Is Gluten

Gluten is a sticky protein in wheat that holds dough together and also makes it rise.  That sounds simple, right? The wheat we eat today is different than what our great grandmothers used to make that delicious bread.  What we have now is a hybrid, a dwarf wheat, a product of genetic manipulation.  Staples in our pantry masking as healthy foods like bread, cereals, pasta, even meats all have these new genetic substances, a super starch, called Amylopectin A.

Health Conditons

You might say “I only eat whole wheat products.  But there is no difference today between whole wheat and white flour.  Both grains will raise blood sugar levels, which cause inflammation.  Gluten isn’t just a problem for those with a gluten allergy or celiac disease.  We now know gluten causes inflammation, obesity, and chronic illnesses.  Chronic inflammation which leads to weakened immune system which leads to a host of other potential conditions like autoimmune disease, mood disorders, autism, schizophrenia, dementia, digestive disorders, diabetes, cancer and more.


Another link to the wheat controversy is what’s known as a “super drug.” Dr. Mark Hyman talks about this in his article three hidden ways; wheat makes you fat.  Dr. Hyman states wheat is a super starch and super gluten making it super fattening and super inflammatory.  But this super drug makes us crazy, hungry and addicted.  He goes on to state that when we process these proteins they are converted into polypeptides called “exorphins.  They are like endorphins.  You get runners high making the opioid receptors in the brain, making you high and addicted.  Just like a heroin addict.  These are absorbed into the bloodstream; this can set off addictive eating behavior, including cravings and binging. The bottom line according to Dr. Hyman is “wheat is addictive”.

Whether your family decides to go gluten free or not, its worth it to know what’s in our food, and how it effects are a body, mind, and health.  Try giving it up for 30 days.  See if you notice any differences.

My family has chosen to be wheat and grain free; this has been an adjustment especially for my husband who is a snacker!  I’ll cover that in another blog.

I’d love to hear about your journey.  Are you currently gluten free?


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