Dyes are widely used but remain a controversial topic.  Many believe there is no concern or connection to food dyes and the health of our family.  As parents or consumers, we don’t think twice about the coloring of the food we are eating. It can be found in almost anything without us even knowing it. We’ve become immune to the marketing and push the industry states is safe and not safe for us.  As a mother, I have made the decision not to purchase anything with dyes in it.  Let me tell you it’s not easy.  However, reading labels and doing a little food swap can be done.  Easter is no exception in our house.  We still love to dye eggs but did you know there is a natural way to dye eggs? Yep, with ingredients, you already have in your fridge.


Natural Dye Eggs

The Perfect hard boiled egg


  • one dozen eggs
  • Large pot
  • water
  • salt

In a large pot carefully place eggs on the bottom.  Add enough water to completely cover the eggs.  Sprinkle the salt on top of the water bring to a boil over medium heat.  Once the water boils remove from heat, let sit 8-10 minutes. Refrigerate until ready to use.


Natural Dye

Here is a list of foods and the color they render.  You can decide what you have on hand and what colors your family will choose.


To Prepare:

Have enough pots and glass jars available for the number of colors you will be making. Bottle of White Vinegar and distilled water. Strainer or sieve.


  • Beets or Red Cabbage-vibrant red color- You will need approximately 2-4 cups chopped
  • Beets- alone will yield a paler pink color
  • Turmeric-Gold/yellow color-4 Tbsp
  • Blueberries-blue or purplish- Cup of blueberries
  • Onion-4 cups onions for vibrant colors



Once you have chopped all the ingredients for your fun afternoon of egg dyeing, decide on how many pots you want to have cooking at once.  Now you are ready to start your process. Place your chopped ingredients in a pot along with 1 1/2 Tbsp white vinegar and enough water to completely cover your vegetables.  Bring to a boil then remove from heat and let cool slightly.    Strain the vegetables from the water.  Discard the vegetables and add the colored water to the glass jar place in the refrigerator until the desired color is reached.  Approx 1 hour or longer.

When you are ready to dye your eggs,  remove your glass jars of egg dye from fridge along with your cooked eggs.  Place cooked eggs in color again until you reach the desired color you want.  Walia, you have beautiful, vibrant, natural eggs. Your kids will love how fun and creative this is.  Get them involved in the whole process. Make it a fun activity.


If this process seems too time-consuming and you want the same effect without all the work you can purchase natural dye. Here are some I use for cake decorating or icing for cookies.

I’d love to hear your tips and tricks.  Happy Easter!


Joy & Health



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